What Holiday Foods Can My Dog Eat Safely? 

The holiday season is upon us, and you know what that means—delicious feasts, sweet treats, and lots of family gatherings. While you’re enjoying those scrumptious holiday dishes, Fido is probably giving you that “Can I have some, please?” look. But wait, not so fast! Before you slip your fur baby a table scrap, it’s crucial to know what holiday foods are safe for them to eat.

Remember, this blog doesn’t replace professional veterinary advice. If you’re unsure about your dog’s dietary needs or have any concerns, please give us a call at (561) 482-5600 to schedule an appointment with one of our qualified vets at 441 Animal Hospital in Boca Raton, Florida.

holiday foods can my dog eat in boca raton florida

The DOs: Safe Holiday Foods for Dogs

Turkey Meat: A Lean Protein Source

Ah, turkey—the centerpiece of many holiday feasts! The good news is that plain, cooked turkey is generally safe for dogs. It’s a lean protein that most dogs find delectable. Just make sure to remove the skin and any seasoning before treating your dog.

Sweet Potatoes: A Nutritious Snack

Another doggy-approved dish is cooked, unseasoned sweet potatoes. These are rich in dietary fiber and nutrients, making them a fantastic snack for your four-legged friend. Just serve them in small, manageable portions.

Green Beans: A Crunchy Delight

If you’re making green beans for the family, setting aside a few unseasoned ones for your pup is a great idea. They’re low in calories and offer some excellent nutrients like Vitamin C and K.

Rice and Pasta: Plain but Pleasing

Cooked white rice or plain pasta can be an excellent treat for dogs. They’re easy on the stomach and can be a good option if your pup is feeling a little out of sorts due to the holiday excitement.

The DON’Ts: Foods to Avoid

Chocolate and Sweets: A Vet Visit Waiting to Happen

Chocolate and many holiday sweets often contain xylitol, a sugar substitute that’s toxic to dogs. Even a small amount can lead to severe poisoning, so keep those treats out of paw’s reach.

Grapes and Raisins: Small but Dangerous

Grapes and raisins may be tiny, but they can cause kidney failure in dogs. Make sure that your holiday fruit salad or dessert doesn’t become an unintended hazard for your pup.

Onions and Garlic: No Go for Dogs

These common cooking ingredients can be toxic to dogs, leading to gastrointestinal issues and red blood cell damage. Always double-check your recipes if you’re thinking of sharing.

Alcohol: Keep the Spirits Away

Alcohol poisoning in dogs is more common during the holidays. Even a small amount can lead to significant health issues, including difficulty breathing and even coma.

What to Do If Your Dog Eats Something Harmful

If you suspect your dog has ingested something they shouldn’t have, immediate veterinary care is essential. Contact us at (561) 482-5600 for professional advice and to schedule an emergency appointment if necessary.

The holidays are a time for joy and togetherness, and that includes our furry family members. Being knowledgeable about what holiday foods your dog can and can’t eat can go a long way in ensuring a safe and happy celebration. We’re always here to help make your holiday season as stress-free as possible—for you and your four-legged friends!